
Subject Target

The Subject Target of English Language is for our students to develop an ever-improving

capability to use English:

  1.  to think and communicate;

  2.  to acquire, develop and apply knowledge;

  3.  to respond and give expression to experience; and within these contexts

  4.  to develop and apply an ever-increasing understanding of how language is organized,use and learned.


  1.  To arouse our students' interesting in learning English

  2.  To enable our students to master the skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing

  3.  To create a language-rich environment for our students to be exposed to English


We design a variety of interesting activities to deliver the English curriculum to our children. With

the excitement for learning, we believe that our children can build a good foundation for learning English

without pressure. Our mission is leading our children to master the four essential skills, listening, speaking,

reading and writing, for English in a happy and relaxing environment.

We devote ourselves in:
  • implementing Read Write Inc.Programme (RWI) effectively
  • developing students' learning strategies such as vocabulary building skills
  • enhancing students' reading and writing skills
  • building a school wide ‘reading to learn' culture